The future of buses was ‘electric’ at the October MTF Meeting with inspiring presentations from Victorian Transport Action Group and TransDev.
The meeting also bid farewell to Cr Jackie Fristacky, long time Yarra delegate and transport advocate. Jackie is not standing for election again in Yarra after 18 years on council.
Victorian Transport Action Group’s Peter Parker inspired the room with ten opportunities to dramatically improve bus services. His detailed worked included many improvements that could be achieved simply by tweaking existing routes. You will love the understanding of route planning in this presentation.
TransDev’s Loretta Lynch offered a glimpse into the future with her report on their recent street level trial of a locally made e-bus in Melbourne. Incredibly quiet and exhaust free, the e-bus has delighted drivers and transported passengers on the 246 route for many months. But there’s a lot to learn about making e-buses work on streets: recharging options and opportunities (including solar), coping with unexpected delays (especially in hot weather with air con draining the charge), size of vehicles, production costs and more. “It’s all about the practicalities of matching buses to routes,” said Loretta.
Challenges aside, e-buses are clearly the future, with NSW set to buy 1000 e-buses as part of a complete transformation of the fleet over 2 decades.
Peter’s presentation
Loretta’s presentation TBA
E-bus fact sheet
NSW is set to buy 1000 e-buses as part of a complete transformation of the fleet over 2 decades.
State Budget transport wrap
The MTF December meeting welcomed an enthusiastic group of new councillors with a state budget briefing.
It was not a coincidence that the MTF August meeting heard two presentations on active transport. Not only is it one of our top three ABC issues, it’s also very COVID current.
Responding to COVID across all forms of transport – DOT
DOT's Brett Langley presented on the wide-ranging impacts of the COVID 19 transport network.
Bicycles, buses and new Exec Officer
A Zoom Cycle workshop on "Urban Bicycle Parking Insights" and the appointment of a new Exec Officer were amongst the highlights
NTC innovative vehicles
April 2020: Mandi Mees, National Transport Commission, presented a review of Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) and possible national approaches to the April meeting.