Bicycles, buses and new Exec Officer
Jane Waldock to become Executive Officer

The MTF voted to endorse an executive recommendation to appoint Jane Waldock as Executive Officer for an initial period from 01 July 2020 until the Annual General Meeting in 2021.
The current Executive Officer Susie Strain is set to retire on 30 June after serving the MTF for more than 15 years.
Jane comes highly recommended by her peers and has a close and ongoing relationship with the MTF, having represented Yarra City Council on the MTF for many years.
She is a qualified civil engineer, and has worked in construction, contracting, local and state government and consulting sectors. Jane has worked for over 15 years in local government, most recently at the City of Yarra, where she was a member of the Executive Team, as well as managing the Sustainability and Strategic Transport branch.
Zoom Cycle workshop – Urban Bicycle Parking Insights
Facilitated by Harry Barber from Phillip Boyle and Associates, the May participants heard from several councils who had delivered improved bicycle parking, including:
Kate Simnett, Active Transport Planner, Maribyrnong PDF
Simon Stainsby, Sustainable Transport Officer, Moreland PDF
Julian Wearne, Transport Planning Officer, Yarra PDF
Anthea Hargreaves, General Manager, Public Affairs & Marketing Parkiteer, Bicycle Network. PDF
Break out groups also discussed improving parking at schools & shops, and at outer suburban railway stations.
Ministers response on buses
The MTF has received a very detailed response from Minister Horne in reply to our submission for additional bus funding in the next state budget. The letter acknowledges the DOT commitment to increasing bus patronage by 70% over ten years.
The letter also acknowledges the historical shortcomings of buses and outlines the government’s program of network improvements planned for the medium to short term.
Copies of the full letter are available to MTF members on request to Greg Day
State Budget transport wrap
The MTF December meeting welcomed an enthusiastic group of new councillors with a state budget briefing.
The future of buses was ‘electric’ at the October MTF Meeting with inspiring presentations from Victorian Transport Action Group and TransDev.
It was not a coincidence that the MTF August meeting heard two presentations on active transport. Not only is it one of our top three ABC issues, it’s also very COVID current.
Responding to COVID across all forms of transport – DOT
DOT's Brett Langley presented on the wide-ranging impacts of the COVID 19 transport network.
NTC innovative vehicles
April 2020: Mandi Mees, National Transport Commission, presented a review of Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) and possible national approaches to the April meeting.